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Disciplines and summaries

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: Discussion of quantitative and qualitative methods appropriate to the projects and the practice of data analysis in thesis projects. Analysis of scientific discourse in reporting and discussion of the data. Predictive analysis of multiple data sets intended to create conditions to facilitate composition of the results and discussion of scientific reports.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Multiple regression analysis. Most common types of regression analysis. Variation analysis of factorial plans (ANOVA). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Relationship between variance analysis and regression analysis. SPSS employment for data analysis.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: History of factor analysis in psychology. Purpose of exploratory factor analysis. Basic concepts of factor analysis: principal methods of extraction, determining the number of factors, factor rotation methods and composition of factor scores. Relationship between exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Factor analysis applications in the development of scales. Using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) in data analysis.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Diagnosis in psychotherapy. Psychotherapeutic method and evaluation of its results. Ethics in therapeutic processes.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Panorama of evaluation in educational psychology. Essential elements of evaluation. The challenge of assessing performance. Evaluate versus test. Evaluation by norms and criterion. Application and implications.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Research and evaluations in health psychology. Psychosocial interventions. Ethics in the current scientific context. Principal aspects, techniques and psychological assessment resources. Psychodiagnostics and its implications for the therapeutic process.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Study of relevant psychological constructs to the Workplace and Organizational context. Process evaluation; measurement construction and the study of psychometric parameters.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Research and evaluation of psychological processes in mental health. Psychopathological formations. Classification in psychiatry and psychiatric assessment scales. Etiological variations of psychological, somatic, social bases. Psychological and psychiatric interviews. Medical psychology: object and method. The mental functioning and psychosomatic approach to health and disease.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Neuropsychology and neuropsychological assessment. Historical aspects of Neuropsychology and current state. Neuropsychology and Psychometrics. Neuropsychological assessment as part of the diagnosis. Mental processes evaluation. Evaluation of children and adults; principal aspects.

Academic Master / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Conceptualization. Construction of computerized instruments. Computerized testing standards. Types of measurement and evaluation tools. Advantages and disadvantages of instruments and computerized psychological assessment techniques. Selection of technical resources for evaluation and practical implications. Research in computerized psychological assessment. Ethical aspects.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Conceptualization. Cognition as a relationship involving the person and a given situation. Forms of assessment, cognitive processes and their relation to learning will be addressed in an integrated manner.

Academic Master / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Procedures for construction and analysis of evalutation instruments. Definition of construct. Item construction. Item analysis. Using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) in data analysis.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: Problems, content and teaching strategies of psychological evaluation in various contexts and teaching material development. Research on teaching psychological evaluation. At the conclusion, expansion of alternative approaches to teaching psychological evaluation is expected, as well as the use of different strategies and materials.

Academic Master / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Fundamental concepts of statistics. Data organization for processing through statistical analysis programs. Variables and measurement levels. Measures of central tendency, dispersion, asymmetry and kurtosis. Correlation measures. Statistical methods used in psychological evaluation. Basic notions of statistical inference. Using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) in data analysis.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Fundamentals of inferential statistics. Parametric hypothesis tests and nonparametric analysis of simple variance. Simple linear regression. Using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) in data analysis.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Cognition and School Learning. Individual Differences as Determinants of Thinking and Learning Styles. Similarities and Differences between Cognitive Styles and Learning. Instruments to Evaluate Styles. Limits and advances in evaluation of the construct.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: General theoretical considerations. Basic skills and competencies. Reading and writing as complementary processes. Techniques, instruments and procedures for assessment. Evaluation of educational teaching technologies and materials.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Neuropsychology as part of the Neurosciences. Neuropsychology: state of the art. Neuroscience of Cognition. Neuroscience of Emotion. Research in Cognition and Affectivity. Mental activity: cognitive component and emotional component.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Application technique. Response classification. Structural summary. Research planning with the Rorschach method.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Identification of relationships between vocational interests, including work, aptitudes, and personality factors in a vocational choice processes. Evaluation process will be discussed with consideration of the psychometric qualities and problems of instruments.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Analysis of structural summary and interpretation of results.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: Studies of different forms of indexing and information retrieval. Basis of scientific data. Rules for manuscript submission for publication. Problems and issues in the editing process, submission, review and publication of the article. It is intended that, at the conclusion, the doctoral student prepare a research paper co-authored with the guiding professor(s) related to the program's research projects.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: Studies of different forms of indexing and information retrieval. Basis of scientific data. Rules for manuscript submission for publication. Problems and issues in the editing process, submission, review and publication of the article. It is intended that, at the conclusion, the doctoral student prepare a research paper co-authored with the guiding professor(s) related to the program's research projects.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: Supervisory experience in mounting research projects, data collection and analysis, and report writing. This experience will occur in two ways: one within the research groups with the participation of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students; another in undergraduate courses related to research development and completion of coursework.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Basic parameters and evaluation instruments (accuracy, validity and standardization). Instruments published in Brazil and their psychometric qualities.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: Study and analysis of domestic and foreign advances in psychological evaluation. Discussion of the situation in Brazil, including problems and policy. Research strategies in psychological assessment and integration of scientific production with professional practice. As a result, a critical and analytical view of the psychological evaluation highlighting new issues is expected.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: This course deals with the development of a research project, including problem definition to be investigated by the student and its relation to studies developed in the program’s areas. Discussion of bibliographical references concerning the problems, study of research design, definition of governing methods, and activity schedule. During the course all students will follow the work of their colleagues. At the end of this activity, the doctoral student will present their research project.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 4

Topics: This course is intended to deepen the basis of bibliographical studies for the doctoral project by relating it to the theoretical foundation of the research. Detailing collection strategies and data analysis. At the end of the course, students will simulate the qualifying exam as a way to improve the project. Thus, it is expected that the doctoral student has the basic information to prepare the project for the qualifying examination.

Level: Master’s

Credits: 4

Topics: In this first course, mentor professors available from the research area will discuss the themes and research problems of graduate students, and each will define the problem on which (s)he will work. Relevant bibliographic studies will be conducted and project scope will be delineated. Depending on the situation created, the graduate student and mentor define the structure of research and activity schedule. At the end of this activity the student will present the research project.

Level: Master’s

Credits: 4

Topics: Scientific research. Steps, methods and research parameters. Structuring and presentation of scientific papers, with emphasis on examination of the master’s qualification.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: History of the evolution of the psychometric theories. Limitations of classical psychometrics. Models and basics of item response theory. IRT advantages in the development of instruments for psychological and educational assessment. Employment of software for IRT analysis.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Historical development of intelligence theories. Principal theories of intelligence in Psychometric, Developmental and Cognitivist approaches. History of intelligence assessment instruments. State of the art intelligence assessment.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: Assessment of the relationship between psychology, work and society: the common elements of analysis to their specificities. Worker health. Psychosocial measures and work.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: History of projective techniques. Fundamentals of projective techniques. Defense mechanisms and Apperception. Classification of projective techniques. Methodological aspects and current studies on accuracy and validity of projective techniques.

Level: Master’s

Credits: 2

Topics: This course refers to activity maximization, in the form of credits, for work pertaining to: teaching assistance in the undergraduate program, participating in events and/or seminars offered by the program, presenting work at scientific conferences, publishing articles and book chapters resulting from research linked to the program's research projects, and collaboration and guidance on research projects and coursework developed by undergraduate students. The proposed credit application, forwarded by the student, must be approved by CPG on the advice of the advisor.

Level: Master’s

Credits: 2

Topics: This course refers to activity maximization, in the form of credits, for work pertaining to: teaching assistance in the undergraduate program, participating in events and/or seminars offered by the program, presenting work at scientific conferences, publishing articles and book chapters resulting from research linked to the program's research projects, and collaboration and guidance on research projects and coursework developed by undergraduate students. The proposed credit application, forwarded by the student, must be approved by CPG on the advice of the advisor.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 2

Topics: This course refers to activity maximization, in the form of credits, for work pertaining to: teaching assistance in the undergraduate program, participating in events and/or seminars offered by the program, presenting work at scientific conferences, publishing articles and book chapters resulting from research linked to the program's research projects. Collaboration and guidance on research projects, coursework developed by undergraduate students, and dissertation development work with graduate students will also be considered. The proposed credit application, forwarded by the student, must be approved by CPG on the advice of the advisor.

Doctoral degree

Credits: 2

Topics: This course refers to activity maximization, in the form of credits, for work pertaining to: teaching assistance in the undergraduate program, participating in events and/or seminars offered by the program, presenting work at scientific conferences, publishing articles and book chapters resulting from research linked to the program's research projects. Collaboration and guidance on research projects, coursework developed by undergraduate students, and dissertation development work with graduate students will also be considered. The proposed credit application, forwarded by the student, must be approved by CPG on the advice of the advisor.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: The purpose of this course is to deepen the discussion and knowledge in a specific field of evaluation. Each Special Topic will deal with a specific aspect of interest in relation to the research group that, at that time, is being developed by the graduate students. Each professor that offers this course will inform the CPG of the title, topic description, program and the specific bibliographical references.

Level: Master’s / Doctorate

Credits: 4

Topics: The purpose of this course is to deepen the discussion and knowledge in a specific field of evaluation. Each Special Topic will deal with a specific aspect of interest in relation to the research group that, at that time, is being developed by the graduate students. Each professor that offers this course will inform the CPG of the title, topic description, program and the specific bibliographical references.