The Graduate Program in Education was accredited in 2002 by CAPES in the broad area of Education and with area of concentration: Education. By 2014, the program was organized into three research areas: 1) Language, Discourse and Educational Practices; 2) Mathematics, Culture and Pedagogical Practices; 3) History, Historiography and Educational Ideas.
It was noted that with these three lines, organization of the program was guided by disciplinarity:
Languages; Mathematics and History. However, the ever-increasing complexity of global society led researchers and educators to the consideration of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary as processes that are essential to the development and innovation of science, technology and teaching.
What is highlighted in this context is education as a core locus for implementation of research projects that articulate the interfaces of national problems and cross-cutting themes, and – based on the primacy of interdisciplinarity – can contribute to a reflection on the historical dynamics and social complexity by introducing new forms of knowledge production.
In light of the foregoing, starting in 2015, the Program is now organized into two lines:
1. Education, languages and interactive processes
The research developed in this line situates education in the context of discursive studies in the historical-cultural perspective. The themes investigated involve: reading and writing; textual genres; constitution of the subject; developmental conditions and possibilities of students with and without disabilities; school and non-school social practices; and cultural studies. The approach is multidisciplinary, involving studies of the discourse analysis and interactive processes.
Dr. Ana Paula de Freitas, Dr. Carlos Roberto da Silveira, Dr. Luzia
Bueno, Dr. Marcia Aparecida Amador Mascia, and Dr. Milena Moretto.
2. Education, Society and Formative Processes
Research developed in this line place education in its broad sense in the context of socio-cultural relations. The approach is multidisciplinary, involving research in the ambit of history, philosophy, sociology and educational psychology, with an emphasis on the following themes: math education; teacher and student training; ethics, aesthetics and education; the work of teaching; history, memory and narration.
Dr. Adair Mendes Nacarato, Dr. Daniela Dias dos Anjos, Dr. Luzia
Batista de Oliveira Silva and Dr. Maria de Fátima Guimarães.