The Center for Documentation and Support to Research in the History of Education (CDAPH), linked to the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade São Francisco, is a references resource for research on history and historiography of Brazilian education. It gathers documentary collections of diverse origin and nature, and offers a wide range of documents for different areas of research.
The Center for Documentation and Support to Research in the History of Education (CDAPH), linked to the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade São Francisco, is a references resource for research on history and historiography of Brazilian education. It gathers documentary collections of diverse origin and nature, and offers a wide range of documents for different areas of research.
The CDAPH develops activities focusing on identification, collection, preservation, processing and dissemination of collections of an archival and bibliographical nature, promoting and offering support not only to undergraduate, graduate, certification and enhancement research, but also to society at large, through:
On par with the trajectory and dynamics of its various areas, the CDAPH has been engaged in producing and contributing to the consolidation of a strong editorial policy, to assure access to and dissemination of work essential to teaching and developing research in the History of Brazilian Education.
From the 1st semester of 2018, the students of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education have the space: SAEDU - Study room of the Graduate Program in Education, with desks and benches for study and group meetings.