Meet the faculty of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology program:
Anna Elisa Villemor-Amaral graduated in Psychology from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1981), then earned her master’s (1990) and doctorate (1996) at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM), and post-doctorate (2003) at Universidade da Savoia in France. She is a practicing clinical psychologist with expertise in Psychoanalysis and Psychodiagnostics, and was a member of the Psychoanalytic Institute of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis. She is an Associate Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology Sensu Stricto at Universidade São Francisco and leader of the research group Psychological Assessment in Mental Health. She is also a professor at PUC-SP. Professor Villemor-Amaral develops research in the areas of Health Psychology and Psychopathology, particularly with Rorschach, Pfister and Zulliger. She presided over the Brazilian Association of Rorschach and Projective Methods from 2002-2006 and is currently a member of its advisory board. She was the coordinator of Projective Methods Work Group for ANPEPP from 2008-2012. She is a member of the International Rorschach Society and the Society for Personality Assessment. Professor Villemor-Amaral is a CNPq Research Productivity Fellow-Level 1D-CA PS-Psychology and Social Service.
Ana Paula Porto Noronha received her bachelor’s and licensure in Psychology (1990), master’s in School Psychology (1995), and doctorate in Psychology Science and Profession (1999) from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. She is an Associate Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology Sensu Stricto at Universidade São Francisco. Her experience in Psychology, with an emphasis on Psychology Foundations and Measurements, is primarily in the following areas: psychological evaluation, psychological testing, professional training, validation, perceptual-motor assessment, intelligence assessment, career guidance and positive psychology. She has served as Secretary and President of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (2003-2005 and 2007-2009, respectively), and as Graduate Program Coordinator for the bienniums 2003-2005 and 2009-2011. She also coordinated the Research in Psychological Evaluation and Assessment of Positive Psychology Work Groups for ANPEPP in 2006 and 1016, and was the journal editor for Psychological Assessment (2006-2010) and PsicoUSF (2011-2016). Professor Porto Noronha is a CNPq Research Productivity Fellow-Level 1B-CA PS-Psychology and Social Work.
Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology Stricto Sensu of the University San Francisco USF. Postdoctorate in Psychology at the USF (former PNPD student). Doctorate in Psychology as a Profession and Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2016), with a PDSE doctoral course developed at the University of Québec at Trois-Rivières - QC Canada. Master in Psychology as Profession and Science by la misma universidad (2012). Degree in Psychology from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2010). He has experience in Psychology, acting on the following subjects: Psychological Evaluation, Psicometría, Psicología del Deporte. Member of the research group Psychological Evaluation of Human Potential and the work group Evaluación Psicológica en Psicología Positiva y Creatividad by Anpepp.
PhD in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Brasília (UnB). Since 2012, he has participated in ANPEPP's working group on Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment. Her research interests focus on the following themes and areas: Intelligence, cognitive skills, academic and work performance, psychometrics, psychological assessment in the context of education and work, construction and adaptation of psychological instruments, research using the Theory of Response to Item, structural equation modeling and multilevel.
Lucas de Francisco Carvalho graduated in Psychology from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and earned a degree in Therapeutic Accompaniment from the Institute of Psychiatry at Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo. He earned his master’s (on a CAPES scholarship) and doctorate (on a FAPESP scholarship) in Psychology with an emphasis on Psychological Assessment at Universidade São Francisco. He completed part of his doctoral studies at the University of Toledo (USA). He teaches at the Graduate Program in Psychology Sensu Stricto at Universidade São Francisco, and he receives support from national public bodies. He participates on the editorial boards of psychology journals, is a regular reference reviewer in psychology in the national and international context, and was an ad hoc referee of the Psychological Testing Assessment System (SATEPSI).
Makilim Nunes Baptista earned a bachelor’s in Psychology from Universidade São Judas Tadeu (1995), a master's in Psychology from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (1997) and a doctorate from the Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Department of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (2001). He is currently a professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology Sensu Stricto at Universidade São Francisco - Itatiba; CNPq Productivity Fellow; Coordinator of Psychological Assessment Laboratory of Mental Health (LAPSAM-III) program of PPGSS Psychology-USF; Member of the Family Work Group of the Latin American Union of Psychology Entities (ULAPSI); Member of the Red World Suicidologists. His experience in Psychology, with an emphasis on Psychological Assessment, Treatment and Psychological Prevention, involves on the following areas: depression, family support and suicide. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow-Level 1C-CA PS - Psychology and Social Service.
Nelson Hauck Filho is a Professor at the Graduate Program in Psychology Sensu Stricto at Universidade São Francisco, also serving as Vice-Coordinator of the program. He earned a bachelor’s in Psychology from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), and a master's degree and doctorate in Psychology from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Hauck Filho develops studies investigating bias in psychometric assessment via self-report. His primary areas of interest are psychopathy and antisocial behavior, social-emotional skills, alcohol use, academic experiences and Evolutionary Psychology. He currently serves as Associate Editor of the Interamerican Journal of Psychological Assessment (Avaliação Psicológica) in the area of statistical and psychometric methods.
Ricardo Primi is a psychologist and professor at PUC-Campinas, with a Ph.D. in School Psychology and Human Development from Universidade de São Paulo, with integrated studies at Yale University (USA) under the mentorship of Robert J. Sternberg. Primi is also the Coordinator of Educational and Psychological Assessment Laboratory (LabAPE). Research under his coordination receives funding from FAPESP, CAPES and the Ayrton Senna Institute (IAS). He is an Associate Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology Sensu Stricto. He has served as President of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment, and as a member of the Advisory Committee on Psychological Evaluation of the Federal Council of Psychology. Primi is also a member of the Psychology Commissions for MEC/INEP and CAPES, and the Steering Committee of EduLab21 IAS Knowledge Center. He was a visiting professor at the University of Toledo (Ohio, USA) in 2009, and teaches courses in Psychological Assessment, Statistics, Psychometrics, Item Response Theory and Modeling with Structural Equation and develops research work on Intelligence and Personality Assessment. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow-Level 1A-CA PS - Psychology and Social Service.
Assistant professor of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology at Universidade São Francisco (USF). Doctor in Psychometry (with a sandwich period in Umeå, Sweden, promoted by CAPES by the Doctoral Program Sandwich Abroad) and Master in Social Psychology by the Graduate Program in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology (PPG-PSTO) at University of Brasília (UnB). Graduated with a Bachelor's degree and a Psychologist from the Psychology Institute (IP) at UnB. I have experience in social decision making, modeling by Bayesian inference methods, psychometrics, behavioral economics, econometrics and machine learning.