

International Students

Why study in USF? Universidade São Francisco is a non-profit communitarian Institution of Higher Education, with a trajectory of more than 40 years of history. USF is guided by human, ethical and cultural values lived and taught by São Francisco de Assis, over 8 centuries ago.

Along with Bom Jesus School, present in 5 Brazilian states with more than 40 units, with FAE Centro Universitário in Curitiba, the Instituto Teológico Franciscano and the Canarinhos Coral of Petrópolis, in Rio de Janeiro, USF comprises the educational field, with more than 70 thousand students from the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil, that has been active in education since 1896.

Being a Franciscan means promoting fraternity and solidarity, committed to Education for Peace and the practice of the Good.

The academic community of USF is composed of approximately 15 thousand students, 500 faculties and 600 technical-administrative professionals. All this human potential is committed to more than 40 undergraduate and postgraduate courses with a high level of excellence.

USF serves the community through social projects and assistance in the most diverse areas, benefiting annually more than 200 thousand people in the cities of Bragança Paulista, Campinas and Itatiba.

University invests in learning innovations, combining theory with professional practice, with investment in technology, the offer of distance education with remote poles that are educational centers present in the cities of Atibaia, Bragança Paulista, Campinas, Itatiba and Petropolis.

All undergraduate courses follow the market trends, focusing on the development of competences and socio-emotional skills, with intense preparation for professional insertion. In addition to modern infrastructure, trained teachers and curriculum matrix updated and flexible to meet the profile of youth that reaches the University.

Internationalization is part of the daily life of USF. The International Relations Department offers various opportunities for exchange with institutions in different parts of the world.

Here at USF the student has the possibility of an integral formation marked by innovation and the construction of an entrepreneurial spirit.

Come and be part of USF!

Application Form For Foreign Exchange Students/ Internship Program (Incoming), click here.
Formulário de Inscrição para Programas de Intercâmbio, clique aqui. 



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